Brodie Moss and his dog Stryda

Brodie Moss & Youngbloods: Everything to Know About YBS

If you’re into spearfishing, it’s almost a sure thing you know Brodie Moss and his Youngbloods YouTube channel. In fact, those epic YBS videos might even be a big part of what got you interested in spearfishing in the first place.

I’ve been a big fan of their videos for years now. There’s just something magnetic about the passion Brodie has for spearfishing, and the love he has for nature and the sea.

Brodie Moss Youngbloods
So much epic fishing!

About YBS

Youngbloods, also known as YBS, is a YouTube channel created by the Australian Brodie Moss. While Brodie is the main face of the channel, and the one who makes the videos, the Youngbloods crew is made up of him and his close friends and family. The YBS Youngbloods are from Exmouth in Western Australia.

I think it’s best to let the crew describe themselves in their own words:

We’re just a small group of mates who share our adventures through film. Our hope is that by sharing our world we can motivate people to get out there and to give those less fortunate the opportunity to experience and see some crazy shit that they may never get to. We have a main crew but don’t want to limit it, we want to see YBS keep growing and growing. There are lots of friends, family, fans, all kinds of different people who create the Youngbloods and all you legends are the biggest part of it.

YBS Facebook page

Where do the YBS Youngbloods live and spearfish?

YBS fishing with sharks
This and all other images in this post belong to Brodie Moss and are taken from, or the YBS YouTube Channel

The YBS Youngbloods live near the town of Exmouth in the state of Western Australia. They do most of their spearfishing and fishing by boat out from Exmouth, both in the open deep water, and around the nearby islands. They also do some trips along the coastline heading north from Exmouth, all the way up to Broome. Both Exmouth and Broome and much of the areas in between offer excellent fishing and spearfishing.


Why YBS videos are so good

Brodie Moss sexy girl
There’s no denying, eye candy is part of the appeal

It’s hard to point to just one reason why Youngbloods’ videos are so entertaining. It’s definitely all driven by Brodie Moss’s boundless energy and obvious love for what he does. Besides that, I think the success of YBS is due to a combination of the following:

  • Insanely beautiful scenery and sunsets, often filmed from a drone
  • Frequent closeup encounters with whales, dolphins, sharks, turtles, sea snakes, and many other animals
  • Hot women in bikinis (I mean, duh!)
  • Brodie’s dog Stryda, an insanely cute, super-intelligent pup
  • Awesome spearfishing scenes with massive, prized catches
  • Sick rod and reel fishing
  • Cool toys — I mean, between the boats, jet skis, dirt bikes, dune buggies, drones, and more, what’s not to love?
  • The obvious love between Brodie, his brother and sister, parents, and all of his friends
  • The gang really love the ocean, and they fish, spearfish, and otherwise interact with it in ethical and sustainable ways
  • The genuine wholesomeness of the content. Despite all the skimpy bikinis, it really is family-friendly content with a very positive message

^ This video showcases all of these features pretty well. If you’re unfamiliar with YBS videos, give it a watch… Or just rewatch it because it’s rad 😉 

YBS whaleshark
They do get some truly epic footage

Brodie Moss’ girlfriend

Brodie Moss & girlfriend Victoria 'Vicki' Ferreira
Vicki & Brodie with a crayfish

Brodie’s girlfriend is a young Argentine woman named Victoria Ferreira, although Brodie mostly calls her ‘Vicki’. They quite obviously had something going on for months, but he first called her his girlfriend in the title of the below video published to YouTube on January 23, 2021.

Vicki and some of her girlfriends were traveling in Australia when Covid lockdowns began, and by coincidence they became Brodie’s neighbors. They were selling something online and Brodie was tipped off to his attractive new neighbors and got in touch.

The girls eventually left and continued on their travels, but absence must have made the hearts grow fonder, and Vicki returned to Western Australia to become a YBS crew member.

Vicki appears in plenty of YBS videos, but if you want to see more of her you can follow her Instagram.

Brodie Moss’ ex-girlfriend

Brodie Moss and ex-girlfriend Amberleigh West
Amberleigh & Brodie… with a crayfish

Brodie Moss also has a famous ex-girlfriend, the Playboy Playmate Amberleigh West. They have been broken up for quite some time now.

Youngbloods spearfishing gear and merchandise

YBS crew
Pretty cool fishing shirts these

One of the YBS income streams is through selling merchandise, as well as their own spearguns and spearfishing accessories.

You can see everything they sell on their website They have very cool designs, going way beyond just plastering their logo on some t-shirts. I’m not sure who does the designs, but it may be Brodie’s friend D-Man who is also a talented tattoo artist.

Their spearfishing gear all looks pretty sick. It gets released very slowly, and seems to be out of stock more often than not, but I think that’s a good thing. They’re working with manufacturers and constantly testing and tweaking to make sure they get everything perfect.

Their wetsuits look great, their dive knives look ideal for spearfishing, and the custom spearguns handmade my Brodie’s brother “Jacko” (Jackson Moss) are gorgeous. I haven’t been able to try any of this gear, but if I ever get a chance I’ll be sure to put out a review for you all. From what they’ve shown in their videos though, they look like very high-quality products with insane attention to detail.

Note, if you’re not Australian, you might get a bit of a price shock when you look on their website. That $90 mask or dive knife is closer to $65 in US Dollars. Not exactly budget gear, but not at all unreasonable either.

YBS Brodie with girls
Nice life

Thanks for reading and drop a comment below if I missed anything, or to show your love for Brodie and the YBS crew. If you’re interested in spearfishing, check out the rest of my site. If you’re new to spearfishing, start with the post on How a speargun works.

That’s a wrap baby!







38 responses to “Brodie Moss & Youngbloods: Everything to Know About YBS”

  1. Davy Chandler Avatar
    Davy Chandler

    hi brody love your work from davy chandler i go to exmouth all the time it is the best we stay at yardie creek homestead and you are a true rollmodel i am eleven years old and i love the beach and fishing i got some of your merch for christmas ,i love it. from Davy chandler

  2. Chris johnson Avatar

    Hi I love your videos and I injoiy watching you on yotube

  3. Chris johnson Avatar
    Chris johnson

    Keep on putting videos on yotube so I can keep watching you

  4. Ian Logsdon Avatar
    Ian Logsdon

    I live in Lancashire UK but lived in Brisbane for 10 years loved it. Got a melanoma and with 2 young boys decided to come back to UK as they could no tell me if they had stopped it. I was a joiner and think it was working in the sun caused the problem. I used to go fishing and catch mud crabs it was brilliant. I have been watching your programme for the last12 months I can’t believe how many programmes you have made and how you get the time to make them as I do some video’s and it takes me ages. Please keep up the good work I love it. Cheers Ian Logsdon.

  5. Felix Otero Avatar

    Am in ny ny its cold just watching the vedios i almost went fishing in the freezing cold here u get any fisherman hype up. Maybe some day ill take a trip on the 3 day boat trip looks cool.

  6. Hennie Welmans Avatar
    Hennie Welmans

    Love your shit.. 🤯🤯

  7. Linsay Henry Avatar
    Linsay Henry

    I’m 75 yr old and your videos get the blood running. I did 35 yrs in the RAAF and now that I see your videos I would have liked to have enough money then to start adventure like yours. Of course, there was no you tube and the swimwear of those days would not have the appeal that Vicki and the other girls have. What a lovely girl.

  8. Paul Grindle Avatar
    Paul Grindle

    Amazing natural beauty above and below the water, I’m in awe !! A life I will never live, but I can experience it threw you and your crew.
    Thank you
    Big Paul

  9. Travis T. Avatar
    Travis T.

    Sickest videos on the internet! And so true about all the eye candy. Brodie slays life. Respect

  10. Chris Lindauer Avatar
    Chris Lindauer

    My family and I have been glued to your videos. We live in Texas and wish we could send you some good wraps. Our grocery stores make them. They put that pasty Misson crap to shame. You and your family are great people, but don’t let that Vicky get away again.

  11. Aaron Avatar

    My son Bexley and I love watching your shows. They are very inspiring and your are a great host. Keep it up buddy as your an exceptional environmentalist, which is fantastic for the lazy adults out there and exceptional lessons for the young people of today.

    Thank you!


    Bexley and myself Aaron his father.

  12. Ramon Seda Avatar
    Ramon Seda

    Love his videos! Beautiful Crystal Clear blue ocean’s will be buying some of his merchandise for the upcoming summer keep up the good work Brodie you one Cool guy😎

  13. Tracy Leeper Avatar

    Brodie and Vicky-
    You two are meant for each other. You can feel how happy she makes you.
    My husband and I were high school sweethearts and reunited 30 years later. He has ADHD and his left lung collapsed. He made it like you and so proud of both of you for not giving up!
    YBS ROCKS. You teach us so much. I’m so afraid of the ocean but watching your show is making me feel more comfortable with trying! Keep on living your dreams. You and your crew deserve it.
    Whew 😂

  14. Kim Dickson Avatar
    Kim Dickson

    How many siblings do you have, and fyi your awesome. Love fishing and hunting and truly believe in sustainable hunting is unquestionably the way to go, but please please dont litter like really it so ticks me off. Love you.

    1. Iceman Avatar

      Both me and my girlfriend Love your comment wish he would update about their status more hoping to see a ring on her finger soon

  15. Brady Avatar

    I have now watch you for a 1 1/2 yrs and have been so inspired by you. You are where I would love to be.
    When I was, boy at age 10 to 19 ,, I lived in Florida USA and loved it. The ocean is way better. I am now
    in Colorado and want to be by the Pacific Ocean. My friend ,,,,, I hope I can call U that , have a beautiful place to go , and be yourself and love the ocean in what you are doing. On , that note being there with a
    beautiful lady Vicki , that believe also like others she is ment for you. The lady I am talking to is my heart and I include her in everything I do and wants to be by me and also ask if it is ok to do something.
    She also tells left out so I see this and stop and help her not to feel this way .
    In the time I have seen her with you she adores you my friend ,,, just be closer ,, and make her feel wanted. She is an assume lady just one thing might help , give her more things to do with you ., the one
    ,,,,,, together
    I hope one to meet you ,,,, you R a great person, with respect, kindness , respect for wildlife and earth.
    Have a great Time & keep it going for us all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fishing is a great way to be happy and understand life . I will support you in your endeavors. Show your love to her more . My Name is Brady
    CU Later. Happy days

  16. Brian Sullivan Avatar
    Brian Sullivan

    I am in my mid seventies and started spear fishing and snorkeling as a 10 year old in Melbourne.
    I graduated to scuba diving at 20 and dived until well into my thirties.
    I still have my original Bazooka double rubber speargun hanging up in the garage.
    Some mates and I were really into southern rock lobster or red crays as you call them and in those days they were plentiful.
    I follow your videos and watch every new one that comes out and the scenery is magnificent.
    I envy you living in such a magnificent part of Australia and it is easy to see you love the ocean and really care about protecting it.
    Long may you do what you love and take us along for the ride as you do it.
    Take care out there
    Regards Brian Sullivan

  17. LANCE Avatar

    Hey Brodie,

    AWESOME videos mate…I’m a South and working on Batam Island, Indonesia…originally from Durban SA…surfing, fishing and diving is my passion. My board is stuck in Qatar where I lived and worked for the past 14 years…travelling to Sri Lanka to surf mostly ..and the wave pool in Wadi Adventure in Al Ain, outer Dubai..ha, ha…been on night shifts here in Batam currently and drooling over your videos mate…been here just on 2 years now…haven’t surfed..haven’t fished yet…dying a slow death bro….PLEASE keep the videos rolling..your crystal blue waters are amazing man…stay safe mate….Lance

  18. Frans Avatar

    Hi Brodie Frans here from South Africa love your videos and I love deep sea fishing your stuff is great

  19. Matthew (Dads) Jaybird (Dog Name) Avatar
    Matthew (Dads) Jaybird (Dog Name)

    Stryda, Just wanted to send a positive bark to you. I really enjoy you on your Dads big B videos. You are an amazing doggie both on land and sea. I am from a world away in the USA. A state called Kentucky no oceans near us. However we do have more fresh water shore line than any other US state.
    My Dad Matty takes me out everyday for walks in the bluegrass that is what humans call the area where my Dad and I live. We go on adventures daily and lots of walks in the beauty nature of green grass mountains lakes and streams of Kentucky. Just wanted to give yall a bark of support for your obvious love of this earth. You and your Dad Brodie are ballers in my book. Respectfully Jaybird the hound
    PS if you ever come to the USA come to Kentucky yall would love it! Peace!

    1. Crystal Avatar


  20. Leslie E Bush Avatar
    Leslie E Bush

    Hi Brodie: we just found your youtube channel and are loving it🎣 After living in the US Virgin islands for 40+ years we recently retired to a small fishing village in Florida named Homosassa. We enjoyed a similar water/boat/fishing/diving lifestyle when we were younger, so its great fun to see you and Vickie livin the life. We still have boats and still fish, but no eye candy here anymore. Love that new boat and doggo Stryder🐶 Will look you up when we go to Australia to meet my cousins! 🇦🇺🇻🇮🇺🇲

  21. Phoenix islinger Avatar
    Phoenix islinger

    Mad dog you mad dog love the vids🐳

  22. Joe Marsden Avatar
    Joe Marsden

    Brodie , I live in englewood Florida and I have been completely captivated
    Since watching your videos , you are a true inspiration to the young and old that watch you spearfish and boat fish . You have an absolute dream essence of the ocean and I truly feel it when you you talk about the the ecosystem and beautiful world in which you live in . My dream is to meet you some day and possibly a fish and cook , congratulations on your success , you absolutely deserve it .

    Joe Marsden
    South west florida

  23. Bill Burrows Avatar
    Bill Burrows

    Love ya show mate. Told all me mate’s about ya and there all hooked on ya videos. Keep up the good work.

  24. Rob Avatar

    Any chance you can team up with field days for an adventure?

  25. Jeff Holmes Avatar
    Jeff Holmes

    Hi mate , my young fella Harrison was constantly watching these guys on YouTube catch X-rays and spear fishing
    I’d walk past the TV and ask what the hell gave they got now and then stopped to watch what was going on , I asked him where it was and he said ‘it starts with an M -thanks that’s helpful.
    I spent 20 years in WA in the Pilbara and it looked familiar- my guess was South of Coral Bay somewhere
    Anyways after sitting down and watching your show I’m hooked , love the lifestyle and all the team
    We are in Townsville and have just started getting out the the GBR so picking up a few tips
    Thanks love your gig

  26. lucas azlen Avatar
    lucas azlen

    hi ybs I am 17 from London huge fan seen all your videos.
    you have my dream job hoping I can do what you do in the near future
    even work experience for free.
    I would love to help with anything

  27. C. Regidor Avatar

    On average how deep do you folks dive? Or what is the deepest you’ve dove to spear a fish?

  28. Lachlan Avatar

    Hi Brody I really love your videos. could you do an episode where you go on a proper survival mission and only bring water and dog treats for Stryda.

  29. Hernane Chatto Avatar

    Hi, my IDOL, and I’ve been fanning to you since day 1. Man, I really love your videos until now I keep watching your videos since 10/03/2022. You really made my day and I get excited when you upload a new video. We bloody love you Brodie Yewwww. Keep moving forward man.

  30. J Ryan Avatar
    J Ryan

    Hey Brodie

    Started watching your Videos on our COVID lockdown in 2020. Working as a doctor in San Francisco, your vids caught on with my group and we decided that some day we’ll make it to WA and see for myself. I was in AUS Feb 3-18 (Sydney, Blue Mtns, Uluru, Perth, Freo, Rottnest) and WA sure is a great place. We could not get all the way to Exmouth & Broome, but maybe next time. Keep the videos coming, though.

  31. ade hermawan Avatar
    ade hermawan

    Kapan anda ke Indonesia? Banyak pulau yang bisa anda jelajahi,

  32. Charlie Avatar

    Hey I really love the videos and I am just starting to get into doing this type of thing and I don’t really know how to start and its more hard because I don’t have any parents or other family who are interested in it

  33. Dom Avatar

    Hi brodiemy name is domenic me and my son are heading to Queensland up to Mackay for the last 14 months I’ve been going through a very bad Divorcebut watching your fishing expo made it so easy for me and my son I’m getting a boat and hope some were along the way fishing well met up thanks for making it easy for me and son

  34. Dennis Keefe ( Denny ) Avatar
    Dennis Keefe ( Denny )

    I lived in Exmouth for two years while serving with the USN and Australian Navy. There was a deep draft pier that we would dive around and off . I wonder if the the is still in operation.
    Now that I’ve seen your videos, and having been there I feel like it’s a part of me that hasn’t been fulfilled. After seeing your vids I have to make a trip before life passes me by.. Keep up the hard work and stay safe, ciao.

  35. AADennis Keefe ( Denny ) Avatar
    AADennis Keefe ( Denny )

    Bill Thomas. Craig Sterling (Sperling)To all our mates atUSNAVSTA WA Exmouth Harold E. Holt

  36. Jaydee Van Dyk Avatar
    Jaydee Van Dyk

    Hi Brodie, love your videos. We are currently doing a 7 month sailing trip. After watching your videos it gave me courage to finally shoot a coral trout. I’m the oldest out of three kids. Jaydee 11, Brendan 7, and Rico 6. We live in Hervey Bay near k’gari/Fraser island. we are heading back from lizard island. You can watch us on instagram, sailing_vandyks

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